Sunday, November 29, 2020


 At some point - years ago - I lost trust in investigative reporting that became just a way to destroy political opponents with bits of facts spun wildly.  So - with some faults of their own - I have begun to follow voices (podcasts - youtubes - blogs) that bring a fresh view.  I follow any good podcast until I think the host is flying too near the sun for accurate ground radar.  I also like to find podcasters that are NOT from my own demographic - to explore the grand humanity of conservative politics that washes over all races, religions, ages and orientations.  It can be enlightening.  I will begin to post brief observations about some of the people I follow. Maybe you will find them informative in your world as well.

TATI-TALKS (youtube)

This young woman presents a lively overview of top news topics and seems to have cut her teeth on the support of and defense of President Trump.  I think she is a New Jersey Native and surgically slices through the blue of NJ to bleed some red into the narrative there. The election fraud underway (2020) has given her some raw meat to dig into.  She has a lively presence on the tubes --  and is unabashedly a Christian and Catholic and Conservative. She curates and studies the hot topics of the day for her reviews and comments.  Look for insight and some fun yet biting commentary.  You can learn more of what is going on in the grand daily political topics than by devoting your time to direct abuse from BIG MEDIA.  Her following is still small as podcasts go, but her presentation has potential to grow big.  Give her a shot for a few weeks. You may want to subscribe for the fun ride.  

Black Conservative Patriot

BCP is one of the many rising Black Conservative Stars in my mind.  He is straightforward about his conservatism and his Christianity.  He is quick to suggest prayer (as does Tati-Talks - above) in the arsenal of public responsibility.   But there is no shortage of grounded observations and access to some of the most profound breaking news .  Example - The Kraken of Sidney Powell.   BCP had a small following - maybe a few tens of thousands before "The Kraken".  One of his followers is a billionaire Patrick Branin - who founded -  Turns out Branin had in the past worked with the FBI to take down (with technology) some big time Wall Street Cheaters - some years back.  He began following BCP for insight to politics and apparently appreciated his fresh and honest approach.  A "tipping point" came for BCP when Tucker Carlson (the biggest name in news just now) rather curtly, dismissed Sidney Powell's offer to provide an interview other than herself, concerning the Kraken story.  So her source - was given free will to pick someone to break the news.  

Patrick Branin was her source.  Patrick Branin had tens of $millions supporting cryptologists and investigators looking into the developing fraudulence in our elections - some weeks before the elections took place.  He had AMAZING deep dive information. THIS fell into the lap of BCP - and he became a sensation overnight with over 500,000 subscribers.  Of course ... the Youtube algorithms are not happy with this kind of news so they suppress his channel and yet -- it continues to grow.  (Youtube is Google --- as is this site -- --  )  Google has disappointed many people in its political spin - and political manipulation of search results.  Maybe the Section 260 rule will be modified to correct this travesty of "free political support with no limits". 
MEANWHILE-  You will find BCP still breaking news from his developing stable of inside sources. You will want to subscribe (youtube) to his channel as well.

Follow THIS blog for more posts - and more introductions to interesting news / commentary sites.

You can find most of the podcasts I follow at the PLAYLIST linked here.   NOTE: The two listed above are clearly conservative and Christian.  Most of the channels I follow are not identifiable as Christian. Some are not even conservative. Some are left of center liberals - but are Trump supporters. The fascinating part of these insights - is how being Conservative can have broad appeal and it is good to know the umbrella is big enough for much debate toward policy development and political alliances that help a greater number of people to taste the fruits of conservatism.

Tulsi was the best of the 

DEMOCRAT field in that her moral direction has positive values. Her economic education needs some redirection ( Friedman, Sowell, Williams) and she would be an astounding future president. Current Democrats will have none of her.. On the Capitol raid ... multi level subterfuge!!

Less about Politics from UNCLE VIC

PATRIOTS LOST THEIR LIVES IN THE SERVER RAID ... ?? (no.. that was a fake hyperbole)

This is a battle.  A war.  Lives are lost? over this (start about 31:00 on timeline .. later statements say NO LIVES LOST). It is far more serious than many realize and still the Beholden Big Media completely obfuscate all possible exploration or notice to the public. (amazing)  AP , Big Networks, NPR -- all are submerging this news. Lives at stake? -- now -- among both the hunted and the hunters. Actually - the NATION is at stake.

LAWSUIT and 30 affidavits of fraud attached

2YONDER-Curated Youtube POLITICS - updated daily

Open the "stack"icon in the video window to scroll through the curated selections.
The top two - or half dozen videos are usually within a day or two or the first video shown.


THIS POST updates almost daily with a list of curated political news and commentary from mostly conservative youtube channels.  Some of these channels are gradually being blocked or restricted by Youtube and the hosts may be found in other platforms which they may mention in their content descriptions connected to the videos. 

SOME of the MOST FASCINATING developments in the US ELECTIONS and high interest politics are collected in the list presented.  The full list will appear when the selected video is opened to the Youtube connection - The "stack" icon in the header will let you scroll down the list of curated videos.

Other resources from 2YONDER ( @ablindpig )

is a mathematical analysis of VOTING MANIPULATION
in a BIG WAY
This is included in the same link that opens the 
curated list of political videos

to be FAIR
on other Mathematician COUNTERS the ABOVE video
with his own ANALYSIS
There are some assumptions in each presentation that can be argued


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Sunday, November 22, 2020

On being educated. Tips

I have a new goal - to list to this blog the podcasts and blogs that seem to be on top of the current news regarding elections and politics in general.  I am sorely disappointed in finding anything consistently truthful from nearly all the BIG ANNOINTED BEHOLDEN MEDIA .... because big Corporate, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Banks, Big NGO's and more are deep into their narrative.  Not so much the smaller and dynamic truth seekers.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Lawyer Sidney Powell Says Trump Team Has “Massive” Evidence, Lawsuits Co...

Probably the MOST ASTOUNDING events in US History since 1775 - that votes for years have been manipulated through software - both within the USA and externally where vote tabulations were exported to any of several countries before a final count settled. 
_______ in depth ___
Daily curated video updates in a list from top podcasters on youtube. (Other sources are growing that are not under Youtube)

ADDING To The alarm is the extent to which our very own Major USA BIG Media are dedicated to blocking all news on these astounding reports / accusations / legal challenges.  Big Media and BIG information (like Google) have gone to great lengths to HIDE the news on these events.  Try to "google" "Sidney Powell and release the kraken"   It is similar to a search for "Trump" vs "Biden" in major search engines that leave any positive mention for "Trump" so far down the results you will never find anything to suggest he deserves your support. 

Standby for serious results to flow from these revelations .   The "legacy media" are committed to cover up mention of these actions and create an illusion that Biden is being abused.  Be aware of the manipulation. It is real .  The media has also set up a situation so that the uninformed citizens of our nation will fall for the  manipulation and create serious strife until they are convinced of the fraud that has ruined their lives for decades.

What Media can you trust? Well -- none really.  But you can get a bit more balance by finding media that some others follow. I have in past months attempted to follow selected podcasts (most on youtube .. also affected by google .. but Rumble video is now a challenger)) that are presented by people who come from demographics I do not agree with in some respects (or didn't). People who come from a different life experience than ME -- but who find a reason to place their support behind Trump.  We all have our issues with Trump .... but.   Here are some youtube podcasts from past months - from Americans - may who have a life experience far from my own.

A regularly updated current political topic highlight from curated blog posts.

Released .. the horror

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Doxxed Republicans Certify Michigan Election

This young newbie podcaster is gaining ground fast. Fun and fast paced. And on topic by the day.  
I include her channel in my scan of channels daily. Some of the Youtube channels with political content are moving duplicate broadcasts to platforms like Rumble.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) vs insensitve BIG TECH FARMERS

These TECH FARMERS pay no lease to farm the livestock that roam on the public range. They offer no reward for the benefits to the range we livestock provide or for the meat they remove from our slaughtered content. These monopolies might be best placed under UTILITY structures - answerable to independent citizens regarding information access and use and the profit derived by it. At the very least the livestock being milked for profit should receive compensation for the content that drives endorphin based cash flow.

Monday, November 16, 2020

What You Aren't Taught in School | Glenn Beck Musem Items

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Glenn Beck (Author of “Arguing With Socialists”, Co-Founder of Blaze Media) about the myths and interesting facts about American slavery in 1776, the dropping of the Atomic bomb and the founding fathers through a collection of amazing artifacts that he has collected. Glenn first debunks some of the myths about the founding fathers attitudes towards slavery in America at the time of the founding using the original notes from Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence. Glenn also sheds light on the complexities of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with an artifact of a warning that was sent to Japanese civilians from the United States. Glenn also tells the little known story of Charles Pomeroy Stone and how this former secret service agent of Abraham Lincoln was responsible for the assembling of the Statue of Liberty. Glenn discusses the precarious state of liberty and freedom. Could anyone have imagined one year ago that government leaders would be canceling Thanksgiving and considering mandatory masks. Americans are currently facing a bravery deficit. When will people develop courage in the face of the mob? Glenn discusses his real life heroes and what we can learn from them and when do we draw a line in the sand for our own lives? Glenn also tells little known facts while showing off rare amazing artifacts from Ronald Reagan, Anthony Wayne, Raoul Wallenberg, and Claus von Stauffenberg.

Sidney Powell | How to Fix Justice

Ep. 1394 The Left is Terrified of This Question About the 2020 Election ...

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Thursday, November 5, 2020



Even before the election is verified, the world acclaims Joe Biden the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. Twitter and Facebook and Google, and CCP, among other sources of accepted truth support the action. (satire)

BEST ELECTION PREDICTOR proves out true (unless legal challenges prevail)



Tuesday, November 3, 2020

proper Election Predicting.

                                    FINDING THE BEST ELECTION PREDICTOR (Tim Pool)

Watch the full video here ....  CLICK

In the days following the election -- ballots appeared in the middle of the night after polls closed to change the election DAY numbers to favor Biden.   Nobody suspects anything unusual.

Sunday, November 1, 2020